Fundación FEMSA is presenting Waves of Change,
Waves of Change is a community created to accelerate the sense of urgency at the regional level to inspire action and collaboration towards water security with a regional focus. This community was launched within the framework of the United Nations Water Conference held in March 22-24th , 2023 eeking to encourage the- thoughtful dialogue within Latin America..
We want to connect knowledgeable conversations based on the experiences that come from our region with those that are happening in the most important international forums and viceversa, we want to bring to Latin America those priority topics and ideas that are being prioritized abroad with the objective to enrich conversations and discussions that our region is facing around water. We aspire to amplify the vision and experience of Latin America since it is very valuable to today’s conversations around Water Security at the international level.
Each content we offer has been selected with an expert eye and a passion for innovation. Here, you will find catalysts for ideas that could transform how we see the world and interact with it.
Welcome to this community, and get ready to be the wave that creates the change that we urgently need for a water-secured region!

World Water Week
2023: 20 –24
In 1991, after decades of contaminated water, Stockholm organized a festival to celebrate with its inhabitants that they could fish and swim again. In the framework of this festival, water experts met to share experiences and best practices that led them to transform the Stockholm reality.
Thanks to the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), this meeting is still happening, first as a symposium and now known as the World Water Week, one of the most important meeting point for people worldwide who want to work for Water Security.
FEMSA Foundation has been part of World Water Week since 2009 collaborating in the creation of the Focus of the Americas, that is currently leaded by the InterAmerican Development Bank with agroup of multi-sector organizations that work to ensure water quantity and quality for all in Latin America.
This year the international community has decided to emphazise the unprecedented challenges we are facing around water security; therefore, this year’s WWWeek focuses on innovation by inviting us to rethink how we manage water.
And we could not be happier because innovation is a vital element for us. Stay connected and live the World Water Week through Waves of Change!
We suggest
Within this selection, we provide you with various resources that allow you to explore
diverse perspectives and expand your knowledge. You cannot miss it!
If you still need to register, do it here, and if you need help with doing so, explore this video.
Media Resources
We have created this section to facilitate the use of visual resources
and press releases related to these events.

- © WavesOfChangeLatam